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We buy/import our products from the best suppliers. High quality, so you can enjoy your purchase for longer. In addition to our own imported products, we also have composite products. 

Anchor packages
When purchasing an umbrella (or mushroom) anchor, you have the option to purchase it as a complete package with an anchor line of your choice. Neatly stored in a cover on board. 

Flag set of your choice
You can buy a complete flagpole set from us (SS316) with accompanying flag and pole base of your choice. If you all want the flagpole, that is of course also possible. 

Fender/Fender packages
You can choose from different types of fenders/fenders such as cylinder, drop or convex fenders. The color choice speaks for itself. We supply all our fenders/Stootwil with a suitable fender line, so that you make the right choice. 

In addition to the extensive choice of fenders, this also includes a valve replacement set. There is also an adapter to inflate your fender with a bicycle pump!   

Mooring packages
We have carefully put together the mooring packages for every type of boat (up to 15 meters). The mooring line package consists of a mooring line of your choice and the associated mooring line spring.

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